NIIT Techno (Rs71.00) (Code: 500304) :-
The company with market cap of Rs2900
crore provides IT services in North America, Europe, Australian markets. The company provides
application development, maintenance, enterprise solution like managed services and business
process outsourcing. It has more than 200 clients and 9000 employees. In June quarter, the
company's income increased from Rs331.64 crore to Rs361.73 crore, while profit increased from
Rs44.82 crore to Rs72.27 crore with EPS of Rs11.84. the stock is being quoted at PE of 12 on
estimated EPS. The stock may sky high in future.
Polaris Consulting (Rs196.00) (Code: 532254) :-
IT software product company focuses on banking, insurance and financial services. The 25 year old company has more than 300 customers. In FY2014-15, the company implemented international restructuring and adopted product business demerger route. It witnessed net profit of Rs131 crore on turnover of Rs1678 crore with EPS of Rs13.10 in FY2014-15. In June quarter, the company's income grew by 10%, while profit grew by 14%. The company declared 300% dividend so considering facevalue of Rs5, the dividend yield touches 7.635%, which is very attractive. The stock might touch Rs250 level in four to six months.

Polaris Consulting (Rs196.00) (Code: 532254) :-
IT software product company focuses on banking, insurance and financial services. The 25 year old company has more than 300 customers. In FY2014-15, the company implemented international restructuring and adopted product business demerger route. It witnessed net profit of Rs131 crore on turnover of Rs1678 crore with EPS of Rs13.10 in FY2014-15. In June quarter, the company's income grew by 10%, while profit grew by 14%. The company declared 300% dividend so considering facevalue of Rs5, the dividend yield touches 7.635%, which is very attractive. The stock might touch Rs250 level in four to six months.
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