Lesha Industries (BSE Code : 533602) A Ahmedabad And Mumbai Based couple of Punter operators are at it again. With a view to cheating the small investors, they have started a Bubble Making exercise to push up the stock price of Lesha Industries which is priced around Rs. 9. Propa- ganda has been started They Are Advice By Many Ways To Traders Or Investor to buy Lesha in sizeable quantities. Really speaking, the Gujarat based company engaged in trading and manufacturing of steel products is not doing well. Its performance is nothing worth writing home about. Last year (March 2015), its sales had declined from Rs. 26 crore in the fiscal 2014 to Rs. 7 crore and for the last several years it is incurring losses. On what basis these Tapori operators advise investors to buy these shares is known to them only.