Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), the country’s largest software company and also the most valuable company with market capitalization of Rs 4.86 lakh crore. The stock is currently offering a dividend yield of 3.2% based on dividend of Rs 79 per share paid for the financial year ended 31 March 2015 (FY 2015). The dividend is on the higher side owing to the special dividend of Rs 40 paid last fiscal. Sans the special dividend, the dividend yield works out to mere 1.6% considering the dividend per share (DPS) of Rs 39. What is the point in investing in TCS for such pathetic dividend yield? This will be the obvious question popping up in the minds of investors. Now if one digs a little bit deeper, what emerges is the fact that it makes tremendous sense to invest in TCS. Here is the hidden story. The software company came out with an initial public offering (IPO) in August 2004. The shares were offered at Rs 850 per share. In mere two years after listing, the company issued bonus s...